Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's more METAL than taking the bus???  OK,  lots of things, but not if you are taking the Shark Bus!

Swallowed by a shark our way to work... that's F**Kin Metal!

Metal Bunny!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Still think Peter Cotton Tale can't kick your ass?  Think again...

Just look at that menacing expression!  Don't hide the eggs, hide your children!  
This rabbit is F**kin' Metal!!!

METAL Monkey

Thursday, April 15, 2010

That's right, even nature is not safe from all that is metal...

Screw You Tarzan!!!  Cheeta is F**kin METAL!!!

METAL Custodian...??

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yeah, that's right even the toothless guy in the overalls that's smells suspiciously like that urinal cakes can be metal.  Or so it seems!

This is madness!
This... is... METAL

Metal Solidification

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yeah that's right scientific names are METAL too.. but so is this...

Ice Gundam is F**kin Metal!!!

Hawking Metal!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Handicapped my ass!

Take my parking space again and I'll F**King kill yah!!!  That is F**king Metal!

Ur-her-her... Metal it is.. yes yes

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What's more metal than YODA???

Metal, Iron Yoda is yes?  No Yoda.  F**kin Metal you are!

Paleozoic Metal!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

What is more METAL than Dinosaurs enslaving Mankind??

Nothing!  That's what!  People as DIno-Pets Costumes are F**Kin METAL!!!

Metal Kid!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ahh... the Youth Gone WILD!  This kid is f**kin METAL!

Almost METAL!

If you truly think this is METAL, then you are NOT f**kin' METAL.

But you have admire this just for the cringe factor...  This one is for Dawn.